Common Limpet

Cellana tramoserica

Cellana tramoserica - Common Limpet
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Size: 6.5 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Exposed rock

Depth: All intertidal

Cellana tramoserica - Common Limpet
Cellana tramoserica - Common Limpet
Cellana tramoserica - Common Limpet
Cellana tramoserica - Common Limpet
Cellana tramoserica - Common Limpet
Cellana tramoserica - Common Limpet

This large limpet is common across the intertidal zone and is found on exposed rocks. It is one of the largest limpet species in SA, and usually has a high spire, although this can be variable. Although it is often eroded smooth, this limpet usually has many shallow ribs. It is white to cream in colour, with brown stripes in the area between some of the ribs. It is almost identical to Cellana solida, which is also found in SA, but has a thinner shell, with more ribs. Expert identification is often required, unless an empty shell is found, where Cellana solida has an orange-red margin on the underside of the shell and C. tramoserica does not. Juveniles are usually flatter, with more of a chain-link pattern of radial stripes.