Doriopsilla carneola

Doriopsilla carneola
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Size: 4 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Under rocks on rocky coast and reef

Depth: Lower intertidal to 10+ metres

Doriopsilla carneola
Doriopsilla carneola
Doriopsilla carneola
Doriopsilla carneola
Doriopsilla carneola

This dorid nudibranch can be found in the intertidal zone and ranges in colour from white through to yellow, orange and red, but is usually encountered in canary yellow. It sometimes has sparse white spots, but is otherwise uniform in colour, including the gills and rhinophores. It can be confused with some Sclerodoris species as well as Doriopsilla fulva, but none share the same uniformity as D. carneola. In addition, it can be confused with some Jorunna species, although they have a fuzzy appearance in comparison due to the minute papillae on their body.