Goniobranchus epicurius

Goniobranchus epicurius / Verconia spencerensis
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Size: 4 cm

Distribution: Gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef and coast, on sponges

Depth: Lower intertidal to shallow subtidal

Goniobranchus epicurius / Verconia spencerensis
Goniobranchus epicurius / Verconia spencerensis
Goniobranchus epicurius / Verconia spencerensis
Goniobranchus epicurius / Verconia spencerensis
Goniobranchus epicurius / Verconia spencerensis
Goniobranchus epicurius / Verconia spencerensis

A large sea slug with white or pink colouration (pink is more common in SA), this nudibranch is usually found in association with sponges of the family Darwinellidae, which it eats. They have white gills and rhinophores, and a margin of orange spots, as well as sparsely scattered orange spots on its back, which have a white halo on the pink specimens. It is somewhat similar to Verconia haliclona, which is missing the orange spots on the margins, and the spots on the back of that species do not have a halo. In addition, it is almost indistinguishable from Verconia spencerensis.