Blue Weed Whiting

Haletta semifasciata

Haletta semifasciata - Blue Weed Whiting
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Size: 40 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Seagrass beds, algae beds

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Haletta semifasciata - Blue Weed Whiting
Haletta semifasciata - Blue Weed Whiting
Haletta semifasciata - Blue Weed Whiting
Haletta semifasciata - Blue Weed Whiting

This large weed whiting is common in seagrass meadows, where it is often found in large groups. Females are a patchy green colour, often with a dark mid-body stripe, while males are a blueish green. Both sexes often have a white dorsal stripe. They can be easily confused with the Little Weed Whiting (Neoodax balteatus), particularly females, but they can be distinguished by their larger size and longer snout.