Bluethroat Wrasse

Notolabrus tetricus

Notolabrus tetricus - Bluethroat Wrasse
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Size: 50 cm

Distribution: All SA continental waters

Habitat: Rocky reef

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Notolabrus tetricus - Bluethroat Wrasse

Like most wrasses, this species is sexually dimorphic and changes its appearance as it grows to an adult, and as it transitions from female to male. Juveniles and adult females are mostly green in appearance with white mottling and thick but indistinct black bars that a develop into a distinctive mid-body black saddle. The male is a grey, tinged with blue or reddish colouration and bright yellow pectoral fins and tail. The black saddle has developed into a white one, and there is also white on the cheeks and caudal peduncle. There is also a distinctive pale to bright blue streak under its chin, which gives this species its common name. Aside from colouration, juveniles are similar to Notolabrus parilus, and these can be confused at first glance. In addition, juveniles also share similar appearance, habitat and behaviour with Dotalabrus aurantiacus, but can be distinguished by the more bullet-like head profile, stronger pattern, and lack of the "eyelash" stripes around the eye.

Further Reference

Fishes of Australia