Ophionereis schayeri

Ophionereis schayeri
map Distribution

Size: 2.5 cm disc width, 32 cm total

Distribution: All SA continental waters

Habitat: Rocky areas and reef under rocks

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Ophionereis schayeri
Ophionereis schayeri
Ophionereis schayeri
Ophionereis schayeri
Ophionereis schayeri
Ophionereis schayeri

One of the most common large brittlestars found in SA, this species can be found under rocks on rocky reef and coasts, often in groups of two or three. In some areas, these can be found under almost every overturned rock in the area. Tan in colour, often with pale blue spots on its disc, this species can be easily recognised by the pattern of stripes on its arms, with thin chocolate brown stripes that interrupt alternating tan and light brown segments. Juveniles are white instead of tan, but otherwise share the same features. This species is similar to a number of others, including Ophiactis resiliens and Ophiarachnella ramsayi, but O. schayeri can be recognised by its pattern of stripes. It is often found in association with the scaleworm Lepidonotus melanogrammus.

Further Reference

Australian Museum