Christmas Tree Hydroid
directions_boat This is an invasive or introduced species.

Pennaria disticha

Pennaria disticha - Christmas Tree Hydroid

Size: 30 cm

Distribution: Gulf St. Vincent, Spencer Gulf and northern Kangaroo Island

Habitat: Rock walls and jetty pylons

Depth: Lower intertidal to subtidal

Pennaria disticha - Christmas Tree Hydroid
Pennaria disticha - Christmas Tree Hydroid
Pennaria disticha - Christmas Tree Hydroid
Pennaria disticha - Christmas Tree Hydroid
Pennaria disticha - Christmas Tree Hydroid

An introduction from the west Atlantic, this widespread species is common in South Australia. It is one of the more easily recognisable hydroid species, with its side branchlets branching off of its black hydrocaulus in a pinnate fashion, and its pale pink polyps. This species is often abundant on jetty pylons or rocky reef, and easily recognisable when you're looking for it.