Green Coral

Plesiastrea versipora

Plesiastrea versipora - Green Coral
map Distribution

Size: Colony size to 3 m

Distribution: All SA continental waters

Habitat: Rocky reef on rocks

Depth: Lower intertidal to 10+ metres

Plesiastrea versipora - Green Coral
Plesiastrea versipora - Green Coral
Plesiastrea versipora - Green Coral
Plesiastrea versipora - Green Coral
Plesiastrea versipora - Green Coral

This stony coral forms dome-shaped encrustations on rock walls, and is usually white to green in colour, although it can occasionally be brown or orange. It can be confused with the less-common Australaraea mcneilli, but that species is usually in the form of undulating plates, is greyish-blue, and has its corallites aligned in shallow depressions instead of evenly crowded.