Verconia verconis

Verconia verconis
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Size: 4 cm

Distribution: Gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky coast and reef, or jetty pylons. Usually in association with Darwinellid sponges

Depth: Lower intertidal to 10+ metres

Verconia verconis
Verconia verconis
Verconia verconis
Verconia verconis
Verconia verconis
Verconia verconis

This distinctive nudibranch is camouflaged and difficult to spot in the wild. It lives and feeds on Darwinellid sponges, and takes on the colour of its host sponge. Usually this is pink, but it can also be yellow. In addition to this, this species has a reticulated pattern and is covered in pointed papillae to match the texture of its host sponge.