Longsnout Boarfish

Pentaceropsis recurvirostris

Pentaceropsis recurvirostris - Longsnout Boarfish (Family Pentacerotidae)
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Size: 50 cm

Distribution: All SA continental waters

Habitat: Rocky reef

Depth: Subtidal from 3+ metres

Pentaceropsis recurvirostris - Longsnout Boarfish (Family Pentacerotidae)
Pentaceropsis recurvirostris - Longsnout Boarfish (Family Pentacerotidae)

Usually found near the bottom of the water column, but rarely with others of its species, the Longsnout Boarfish is a slow-moving member of the boarfish family (Pentacerotidae). It has a distinctive pattern of oblique black-and-white stripes, and a very long pelvic fin. Although it is similar to the Old Wife (Enoplosus armatus), it can be distinguished by its long snout and comb-like first dorsal fin. Juveniles have a pattern of black spots in addition to stripes.