Groovedcheek Sandgoby

Nesogobius sp. 4

Nesogobius sp. 4 - Groovedcheek Sandgoby
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Size: 6 cm

Distribution: Unknown. Likely SA gulf and coastal waters

Habitat: Sandy areas

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Nesogobius sp. 4 - Groovedcheek Sandgoby
Nesogobius sp. 4 - Groovedcheek Sandgoby

An undescribed species, this goby is transparent on top and whitish underneath. It has orange to brown horizontal lines of spots and iridescent blue blotches along the length of its body. Its provisional common name comes from the diagonal markings below its eye. These features distinguish it from other Nesogobius species, both named and unnamed, although expert examination is usually recommended.

Further Reference

Fishes of Australia