Aplidium multiplicatum

Aplidium multiplicatum

Size: Colonies to 7 cm

Distribution: SA gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef or jetty pylons

Depth: Subtidal

Aplidium multiplicatum
Aplidium multiplicatum
Aplidium multiplicatum

Commonly found on jetty pylons, this compound ascidian forms large cushions. It is a pale pink to orange in colour, with white-rimmed branchial apertures randomly arranged in the test. Cloacal channels appear on the surface as zooid-free areas, opening to the surface in irregularly-shaped cloacal apertures. This species is almost indistinguishable from Aplidium opacum in photos, with slightly smaller branchial apertures. The best way to identify this species is by its jelly-like test, less firm than that of A. opacum, making it more susceptible to water movement.