Parvulastra exigua

Parvulastra exigua

Size: 2 cm

Distribution: SA coastal and gulf waters east of Ceduna

Habitat: Rocky areas on or under rocks

Depth: Lower intertidal to 3 metres

Parvulastra exigua
Parvulastra exigua
Parvulastra exigua
Parvulastra exigua

This small grey-green sea star is usually found in the intertidal zone, in rockpools, both on the surface and the underside of rocks, where it can be present in aggregations. It usually has 5 arms, although four-armed individuals can also be encountered. It is related to Parvuastra parvivipara, although that species is much lighter in colour. This species can also be confused with some small Meridiastra species, most of which have 6 arms, but particularly the 5-armed M. atyphoida, which is slightly lighter in colouration, has horseshoe-shaped plates along the arms, and distinctive dark arm tips, none of which are present in P. exigua.