White-faced Heron

Egretta novaehollandiae

Egretta novaehollandiae - White-faced Heron
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Size: 70 cm height, 105 cm wingspan

Distribution: Statewide

Habitat: Any coast, waterway or body of water

Depth: N/A

Egretta novaehollandiae - White-faced Heron
Egretta novaehollandiae - White-faced Heron
Egretta novaehollandiae - White-faced Heron
Egretta novaehollandiae - White-faced Heron

The white-faced heron is found Australia-wide, wherever there is water. It has light grey plumage, with a characteristic white face. It is long-legged, with a long dark beak. One of many species of heron found in South Australia, the white-faced heron is one of the most commonly encountered, and can be distinguished by its colouration.