Styela canopus
directions_boat This is an invasive or introduced species.

Styela canopus

Size: 3 cm

Distribution: Scattered locations in SA, associated with shipping activity

Habitat: Mangroves and artificial structures

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Styela canopus
Styela canopus

This introduced solitary ascidian is common in areas where there is shipping activity, growing on wharves and docks. It is usually heavily encrusted, with only the siphons visible. These are its most distinguishing feature, being usually dark brown to black with compass point white stripes on both the inside and outside of the siphons. It is most similar to Polyandrocarpa zorritensis, with which it shares habitat. However, it is visibly larger, with thinner stripes, and does not usually form dense aggregations.