Stereotheca elongata

Stereotheca elongata

Size: 8 cm

Distribution: Few records in Gulf St. Vincent. Likely widespread SA-wide

Habitat: Epiphytic on seagrasses and algae

Depth: Lower intertidal to shallow subtidal

Stereotheca elongata

This pinnate (feather-shaped) hydroid colony can be found on seagrasses and algae, often Amphibolis stems. The colonies themselves can be encrusted by coralline red algae and other epiphytes. The terminal branches of the colony emerge from the zigzag main branches in an alternating arrangement on each side of the branch and the polyps emerge directly from these terminal branches, protected by their cup-shaped hydrothecae. This species can be difficult to identify, but has distinctive jagged-edged hydrothecae along with the other characteristics discussed here.

Further Reference

Museums Victoria