Cart-rut Shell

Dicathais orbita

Dicathais orbita - Cart-rut Shell
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Size: 12 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: On rocks and jetty pylons

Depth: Lower intertidal to 10+ metres

Dicathais orbita - Cart-rut Shell
Dicathais orbita - Cart-rut Shell
Dicathais orbita - Cart-rut Shell
Dicathais orbita - Cart-rut Shell
Dicathais orbita - Cart-rut Shell
Dicathais orbita - Cart-rut Shell

This large predatory snail is found on rocky reefs and is usually white or off-white in colour. It has a short concave spire, and a bulbous last whorl. In the Eastern states, it usually has the deeb ribs that inspired its common name, but in South Australia it is usually much smoother. It has distinctive egg cases, resembling cylinders that have been pinched at either end, with a hole in the middle.