Burchard's Dog Whelk

Tritia burchardi

Tritia burchardi - Burchard's Dog Whelk
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Size: 12 mm

Distribution: SA coastal and gulf waters east of Port Lincoln

Habitat: Mudflats and seagrass beds. Estuaries

Depth: Lower intertidal

Tritia burchardi - Burchard's Dog Whelk

This snail can be found in estuaries and lagoons intertidally. It is relatively bulbous and is distinctly ribbed. On the body whorl, the ribbing fades and the dorsal surface is smooth and unsculptured. The shell is a light green to brown, with darker brown colouration between the ribs. This species is native to Australia, but has established in some areas of New Zealand.

Further Reference

Molluscs of Tasmania