Angas' Murex

Prototyphis angasi

Prototyphis angasi - Angas' Murex
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Size: 2.5 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef and coast

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

This small snail is a pale and mostly uniform whitish to orange in colour, It has 3 ridges or varices on each whorl, which are tipped with large forward pointing hooks or wings, giving it a rather jagged appearance. This snail is distinctive, but can be mistaken for a small Pterochelus triformis on first inspection. However, P. angasi is usually much less heavily encrusted than that species, and although both species have thin but high varices, P. triformis does not have the terminal wings or hooks.

Further Reference

Seashells of New South Wales